How to apply?
STEP 1. First, clean the skin of your breasts, so that no traces of lotion or perfume remain.
STEP 2. Remove the plastic cover till the elevated line. Store the foil for reuse later.
STEP 3. Remove the plastic cover till the elevated line. Store the foil for reuse later.
STEP 4. Place the bottom carefully underneath your breast.
STEP 5. Repeat procedure for your other breast.
Caution: We recommend that you perform a skin test 24 hours before extended use by wearing the product with silicone and adhesive for up to 4 hours. Do not use on open cuts, skin disorders, rashes, sun damages or sunburned skin, white patches or skin depigmentation problems. Even if you have had no previous reaction to this or similar products, sensitivity may occur. Do not wear overnight, it is recommended that you do not wear the Product for more than 6-8 hours at a time. Women with a significant amount of melanin or family history of depigmentation may experience skin lightening from the silicone and adhesive. Not recommended for women with sensitive skin.
Women with sensitive skin or open cuts should avoid using this product.